Infographic: Nvidia & Startups Are Big Winners in 2015–2017 Driverless Talent Shift

Nvidia & Startups Are Big Winners in 2015–2017 Driverless Talent Shift

There has been a lot of comings and goings among senior engineers and research staff at a handful of companies with the pretensions of offering the technology that will underpin the driverless revolution.

Among those with research experience and expertise in neural network-based artificial intelligence that can be applied to self-driving vehicles, Nvidia and startups Aurora and Argo AI have drawn top engineers from Waymo, Tesla, and other companies. Uber, which along with China's Baidu and Faraday Future, have seen a particularly large exodus of talent.

Here is an infographic of the comings and goings of some of driverless' best-and-brightest lead engineers.

Image by Juliet Gallagher/Driverless

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Cover image via WIRED/YouTube

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